November 12, 2011


Impermanent, are friends
They come and go
Some stay longer than others
No one but your shadow,
Stays, from start to finish 

Impermanent, is love
Falling in and out of love
Arduous yet beautiful, 
Is the journey of love
Total trust is the basis of love 

Impermanent, are emotions
Anger, delight, annoyance, 
Envy, pleasure, satisfaction, pain,
How long do they last?
Minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks? Years

So what is 'permanent'?
You! (But who are you?)


  1. Lo! some we loved, the loveliest and the best
    That time and fate of all their Vintage prest,
    Have drunk their Cup a Round or two before,
    And one by one crept silently to Rest. '
    'Omar Khayyam'

    Lo, here were all those our near & dear one's, whom we loved the most & are gone now. Wine of life that used to flow through their mortal body has gone. Time & fate (karmic law of cause & effect) has acted in their case & after drinking a Cup or two (of life), they have departed from this earth & have died a short or long before us. So shall be the fate of our self also & we shall too some day depart after drinking a Cup or two.

  2. That is the ultimate question now is it not?WHO am I?atman, Brahman,truth, consciousness..many names same reality I suppose.The journey continues :)

    1. Exactly!! And although we might hear these different words to describe 'our true self', we will never know for real, till we EXPERIENCE it our-self!
